Wytwornia club is a magical place, which holds a wide range of cultural and artistic events throughout the year. The special atmosphere stems from a mix of history and post-industrial design. The huge spaces allows for the organising of large-scale events as well as the concerts of Polish and international artists. These artists include Tomasz Stańko, Chris Botti, Jan Garbarek, Kasia Nosowska, Courtney Love, O.S.T.R., Kayah, Kamp!, Maria Peszek, Kult, Edyta Bartosiewicz, Jan „Ptaszyn” Wróblewski, Jazzanova, Leszek Możdżer, Grzegorz Nagórski and Glen Miller’s Orchestra. Wytwornia caters for all musical tastes with every music fan being able to find something for them.